Each child received a present, made possible through generous donations, as well as lunch, refreshments and cake.
After Santa had seen every child, the crowd enjoyed the music of Jenna Taggart, 15, as she sang with the assistance of Dog And Pony Sound, who also donated their services again this year.
It was an extra-special moment when Ottawa's Blues Lady, Maria Hawkins, stopped by and shared her time and talents with Jenna and the rest of the kids.
Maria will also be fundraising this weekend for In The Spirit Of Christmas at the Atomic Rooster on Bank Street. More details coming.
After a hectic but fun afternoon the clean up began to prepare for the evening's Jam Session with some of the Chixie Dicks and members of Circuit and Blackboard Nails.
In all, it was a great day and more money was raised. But there's still a ways to go, friends.
We have a lot of fun with this kind of fundraising but we haven't lost sight of the reason we do this.
The need is real and it seems to growing at an alarming rate. We'll do our best to meet the numbers and, really, it's all we can do.
Details on our final gasp coming soon!
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