They are back with the Chixie Dicks on Saturday, December 15th at Sonny's. So, if you missed 'em this time around, circle the next appearance on your calendar. It'll be bigger and better as we sprint toward our goals.
The music was just one portion of this signature weekend to raise money for Christmas hampers for shelters and families in need.
Along with the evening's entertainment, the annual bake sale kicked off during the breakfast run and continued through out the day, closing off around supper time.
The sale continues again, today until about the same time.
Nearly $1200 was raised from Saturday's sales alone.
Auction item tickets were sold for hand-crafted items like stained glass snow shoes and 50/50 raffles added to the take.
In all, a good blitz in this campaign but there's still much to raise and not a lot of time.
Next big event:
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24th. Ottawa's indy recording artists, Circuit will be volunteering their gift at Sonny's Bar and Grill.
Again, are they not only talented but they're a great bunch of guys who love to have a good time and do something for a good cause.
Check 'em out at:
And on we go..............