Thursday, December 13, 2007


It's amazing how quickly Christmas is approaching. We're less than two weeks away and it's been a hectic campaign to organize this series of events and coordinate the efforts of others who have generously assisted us, namely Maria Hawkins and BassLine Station.

We have one more weekend of events.

Saturday Night, Blackboard Nails return to Sonny's with the Chixie Dicks and Maria Hawkins performs at the Atomic Rooster, 303 Bank Street.

The Chixie Dicks open up at Sonny's at 8pm. After introducing Blackboard Nails, the Woodman will head over to the Rooster to share a bit of stage time with Maria and then return to host with the Nails.

There'll donations encouraged at both events as well as raffles for prizes.

At Sonny's, a special Sens Ticket raffle will occur - thanks to the generosity of Mark Rushton.
The tickets are for the February 9th game against the Montreal Canadiens.

There will also be Christmas Turkey raffles at both venues, thanks to Brian's Butchery (Cobden and Iris).

We still need two to three thousand dollars more to feel comfortable about furnishing enough substantial hampers for the shelters and families in need.

For all contributions, we remain grateful.

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